St. Johns Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Know Christ. Love Christ. Serve Christ.
St. John's is a family-sized church that has been serving God and God's people since 1888. The atmosphere at St. Johns is easy going and friendly. Our hope is that you will be greeted when you enter and/or as you leave, but we will not put you on the spot and ask you to stand to be acknowledged or introduce yourself during worship service.
Holy Communion:
All are welcome at the Lord's Table. We offer the sacrament of Holy Communion on the 1st and 2nd Sundays of each month. When we serve by tables at the communion railing, you may either stand or kneel. When we serve by intinction, you will receive the host/wafer to dip in a chalice of either wine or grape juice. Children who have not received First Communion instruction are welcome to come forward with their families to receive a blessing.
We do not have a nursery for children but we welcome the sound of their voices, even throughout the worship service.
Coffee Hour
Please join us immediately following worship service for coffee, treats and some lighthearted conversation!
What to Wear?
Wear whatever you think is appropriate. We have some who dress up and others who come in jeans. We care about you, not your clothes.